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Leonia Action Alliance

Leonia Action Alliance is a grassroots community group working toward progress and inclusivity in our NJ town and beyond.

Founded by Lauren Peccoralo, a primary care physician and mother of three, the alliance's mission is to To share ideas and take action to protect human rights and stand up against injustice.

Now 150-plus members strong, LAA coordinates and collaborates on local efforts to protect, advance and educate about our environment, social justice, healthcare, gun violence, civic action and engagement, and human rights.

To date, the Leonia Action Alliance has sponsored or co-sponsored many events and activities and has made an impact at the local and state level. The group has had three annual Women’s Marches in Leonia, garnering 200-400 participants each time. The group helped craft and advocate for a Welcoming Community Resolution signed by the town’s Mayor and Council. Environmental efforts included hosting a local Climate March which included educational information on recycling, composting and more; co-sponsoring a campaign to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of Styrofoam in schools and local business as well as a sponsoring Leonia’s successful plastic bag recycling effort, in which we have recycled over 1800lbs of plastic bags, earning us 2 trex benches already and likely more to come. In 2018, the LAA sponsored the Leonia BOE Candidate forum. The LAAs Get Out the Vote campaign aimed at reaching voters who typically vote in Presidential Elections but not the midterms. A determined group of LAA members sent out 1000 Vote by Mail application packets and 1000 reminder postcards. The LAA was acknowledged in Act Together NJ press releases for this work. In addition, the LAA has partnered with Moms Demand Action for numerous events and cosponsored the very successful 2018 Bergen County Wear Orange Day Picnic.

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Other local organizations that we admire:

Center for Hope and Safety
Dedicated to assisting victims, and their children, of domestic violence by turning fear into safety, helplessness into strength, and isolation into hope

Moms Demand Action
Demanding action from state and federal legislators, companies, and educational institutions to establish common-sense gun reforms

Community of Friends in Action
A community organization in Eastern Bergen County that assists workers and their families, CoFiA works for better immigration policy, provides information about social services, facilitates employment opportunities, develops leadership training and support, and fosters positive communication between the workers and the communities in which they live and work.